Brooks was given their first-ever wall display at the Scheels Sporting Goods store located in Iowa City which will live for all of 2024. The wall display space is located in their elevator hallway, so the design had it's challenges as it had to span an entire hallway and fit around multiple elevator doors and a three-sided column that juts out from the wall. I was given a photo from Scheels of a previous execution they had in this space which wasn't the best quality or reference as to what the space looked like that included hand written specs for sizing. I used the vendor supplied photo to create a template for myself in InDesign as the printer requested the design be built in that program. The designs all required heavy photo editing due to the long stretches of real estate that had to be covered. All photos I tried had to be manipulated and extended to fit the space correctly. I presented multiple options to the Brooks team using recent photography. After the design was approved internally, we sent everything over to the print vendor, and thankfully the template I created was correct and worked first time around. The execution is currently live in-store, so if you're in Iowa City in 2024, stop by Scheels!
Initial Design Concepts

Final Design

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